viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

Weight Loss Success Story II

Despite the fact that Deana Custer used to be on the volleyball and golf groups in excessive college, she carried 150 kilos on her 5'4" body. Her weight started out creeping up when she began cosmetology college in August 2005 whilst working two phase-time jobs--she could not to find time to recreation or cook dinner. Quick meals took its toll, and he or she was once 200 pounds at her December 2006 graduation. She bought a job as a hairstylist in Washington, Iowa, however the irregular hours had her scarfing takeout between customers or skipping lunch and overeating at dinner. She put on 25 pounds in three months. "I used to be ashamed of letting myself go that far," she says.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

First weight loss success story

She have 45 years old and she lost 45 pounds. The secret?

"One of my favorite books is The Venus Factor. The tip I live by: If your third grader can’t pronounce it, you shouldn’t eat it.”
